Kathy MilesThe Ladder of InferenceThe Ladder of Inference can help you to understand the steps that can lead you to jump to the wrong conclusions and can therefore help you e
Kathy MilesImproving Communication Using the Johari WindowThe Johari Window is a psychological tool that is often used to help people better understand themselves (self-awareness) and their relation
Kathy MilesUnblocking Organisational CommunicationIn nearly every aspect of life, communication is key. Communication unlocks doors, includes people, builds and maintains relationships, get
Kathy MilesWhy Building Effective Working Relationships is the Cornerstone to Business SuccessFrom years of working in HR and Training and Development roles, I've often found myself in a position that makes people want to talk to...
Kathy MilesThe Importance of Communication Skills TrainingWhen we communicate, we often think that the way we communicate is the way that everyone communicates. Nothing could be further from the...